prout college

The academic year for the Certificate in Prout Studies covers thirty-four weeks, starting on the first Monday in March and ending around the end of October. It is divided into two semesters, each of fifteen weeks, with a four week break between semesters. Full-time students study four subjects each semester.

Semester 1:

  1. Introduction to Prout Studies
    Associate: Michael Towsey and Marcus Bussey
    Duration: weeks 1 - 15
  2. Tantra, Spirituality and Social Change
    Associate: Marcus Bussey
    Duration: weeks 1 - 15
  3. Macrohistory and World Futures
    Associates: Marcus Bussey
    Duration: weeks 1 - 15
  4. Transformative Economics
    Associate: Michael Towsey
    Duration: weeks 1 - 15

Four week break

Semester 2:

  1. Neohumanism, Policy Making and Contemporary Issues
    Associate: Marcus Bussey
    Duration: weeks 20 - 34  
  2. Frontiers of Science
    Associates: Michael Towsey and Marcus Bussey
    Duration: weeks 20 - 34
  3. Gender, Spirituality and Coordinated Cooperation
    Associate: Not available in 2011
    Duration: weeks 20 - 34
  4. Education for Liberation
    Associate: Marcus Bussey
    Duration: weeks 20 - 34



Transcending Boundaries


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