prout college

Prout College is run by an academic cooperative. The cooperative includes the members of the academic faculty who are also responsible for designing and teaching all the courses. Prout College is also part of the Prout Institute of Australia Incorporated (PIA), a registered association. For more information on PIA, go to

The Certificate in Prout Studies was developed by a team of academics working in both Australian and international universities, and has an academic standard equivalent to a Graduate Diploma. It can be studied full-time or part-time. Full-time, it takes one year to complete; part-time, students have up to four years to complete the course. Students who successfully complete the course full-time or part-time will be issued a Certificate in Prout Studies from Prout College.

Prout College also gives students who do not want to study the Certificate in Prout Studies the opportunity to study each of the eight subjects individually. No certificate is issued for the successful completion of individual subjects.

Origins and Acknowledgments

In September 1987, P. R. Sarkar re-organized his published and unpublished discourses to create several new series, one of which was the series Prout in a Nutshell. At the time P. R. Sarkar expressed the wish that this new series would be used as the basis for courses of study at the tertiary level.

Inspired by P. R. Sarkar's vision, in the late 1990's Jennifer Fitzgerald did the initial groundwork to create a tertiary college in Australia. However, in 2000, before the work was complete, she died of breast cancer. In 2003, Stephen Gunther generated new enthusiasm for the project, and brought together the people necessary to make the college a reality.

While P. R. Sarkar's vision continues to provide inspiration for Prout College, the faculty and staff of Prout College warmly acknowledge the invaluable contributions made by Jennifer Fitzgerald and Stephen Gunther.



Transcending Boundaries


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